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فروشگاه ساز ويرچو - نسخه تجاري
Which of the 63 submissions might make the cut…(Wednesday، 26 August، 2009) News Viewed251
The 63 films submitted for the foreign language category of the Oscars
are already screening for the foreign language committee, so it’s
perhaps risky to make predictions before the initial process is even
over.But what the hell. Here goes with my choices (in alphabetical
order) for this year’s top ten picks for favour with the committee and
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The Kingdom of Solomon
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The Kingdom of Solomon
Solomon, Prophet and the King, has asked God to give him an ideal kingdom which has never been given to anybody before. He is told to prepare himself and his subjects with evil and unearthly cr...
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The Crazies
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The Crazies
As a toxin begins to turn the residents of Ogden Marsh, Iowa into violent psychopaths, sheriff David Dutton tries to make sense of the situation while he, his wife, and two other unaffected tow...
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The soldier and biker David is serving in Iraq and misses biking. He rides his bicycle in Europe heading to Shadow and when he stops in a bar, he meets the beautiful Angeline. The troublemaker ...
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In a world 10 years into the future, vampires make up the vast majority of the population with only 5% of the human race remaining. This presents particular challenges as the vampires' food sup...
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A 16-year-old who was raised by her father to be the perfect assassin is dispatched on a mission across Europe, tracked by a ruthless intelligence agent and her operatives.
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The Last Airbender
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The Last Airbender
The world is divided into four kingdoms, each represented by the element they harness, and peace has lasted throughout the realms of Water, Air, Earth, and Fire under the supervision of the Ava...
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01.The Kingdom of Solomon
02.Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
03.The Last Airbender
04.The Other Guys
06.Deadly Impact
07.Crazy on the Outside
09.I Saw the Devil
10.The Crazies
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
فروشگاه ساز ويرچو - نسخه تجاري